For quite a few years, I've been happily using the phpDVDProfiler for displaying my DVD collection on this website. Alas, the software has been dead for some time, and wasn't fully working with newer versions of PHP. So, I took some time to make it work with PHP 7.2, and created a Github repository to publish my modifications.
You can download the archive either from this post, or from Github. As for comments, questions, and so on, I'd prefer if they're all done on Github.
Important information: I don't intend to do any kind of refactoring, developing new features, or anything else. This is just the basic needed work to make it compatible with newer versions of PHP.
Update 2020-01-30: A bit more digging in the code showed that some features were still broken, so trying to fix them:
- add the display of dynamic range information (thanks Lowpro)
- add 4K/UHD profiles and new features support to Pick-a-Flick
- fix the Pick-a-Flick feature
- fix the charset encoding in gallery and specific skins
- remove support of MySQL 4.0 (MySQL 4.0's support has ended on December 2008... so more than ten years later, it's more than the right time to remove its support from phpDVDProfiler)
Update 2020-01-15: After a bug report from DJ Doena, a new version appears fixing the incremental update. Here's what's new in gory details:
- add support of the Fr4me and Handle case types
- fix fast incremental updates
- fix the use of temporary tables in incremental updates and CleanCommon script
- fix the French translation of the countries
- fix the displayed flag for language Rumantsch
- fix the RSS feed after our adding the support of 4K/UHD profiles
- cleanup some small notices / bugs for better maintainability
Update 2020-01-07: A new version to start in the new year... and with the help of a new contributor, Gavin-John Noonan! Here's what's new:
- add support for the 4K/UHD media format (thanks Gavin-John!)
- fix the character set encoding in the "Watched Statistics" page
- fix the database schema creation script for compatibility with MySQL 5.7
- add support for MySQL 8
- switch back to zip files for the "official" distribution as it was the format used before
- fix small behind the scenes stuff for better code in the future
Update 2019-12-29: So I botched a few things... consequently, here's a new version:
- Properly update the database schema
- Correction and revamping of the method used to display the ratings logos
- Fixed the display of boxsets in the cover gallery
This last point needs some more explanation: I've always been dissatisfied with the way ratings logos are displayed: in Switzerland, we have some accented characters in the name of the rating system, so it's always been difficult to get the proper file name for the ratings logos.[1] The revamping tries a few methods to transliterate the file name and remove all diacritics. If it can't find a matching file after transliteration, it'll still use the old format of file names.
Update 2019-12-28_b: Fixed the missing first two characters in the features list.
Update 2019-12-28: third day in a row with a new release:
- Fix some SQL injections
- Fix a PHP notice in the gallery
- Remove some dead links from the navigation menu
Update 2019-12-27: a new version with the following features:
- Support of the Auro-3D and DTS-X audio formats.
- Support of the DVD Profiler 4 new disc features (Play All, D-Box, Cine-Chat, and MovieIQ).
These new disc features need a database schema upgrade. So if you want to display them, you need to update your schema via the schema_updater.sql
script, or by completely recreating it with the schema.sql
[1] Can we all agree that charset encodings are the bane of the software engineer?