Original Title: |
Kimi no na wa. |
Country of Origin: |
Japan |
Production year: |
2016 |
Director: |
Makoto Shinkai |
Rating: |
UPC [Locale]: |
Running time: |
1:47 (107 Min.) |
Casetype: |
HD Keep Case, Slip Cover |
Format: |
Color, 1.78:1 Widescreen |
DVD-Format: |
Single-Sided, Double-Layered |
Released: |
July 26, 2017 |
Collection type: |
Owned (#1166) |
Status: |
Available |
Purchase date: |
December 15, 2017 |
Purchase price: |
Hidden |
Review (movie): |
Review (video): |
Overview |
Mitsuha and Taki have never met, but when the frustrated country girl wishes of a life in the big city, they will forge a connection both unexplainable and unforgettable.
In their dreams, the two swap lives, cultures and genders as they learn more about, and grow closer to, each other. What was once a shock becomes a joy-filled double life, but what will happen when they discover the red string of fate tying them together? |